In this quite intelligent world of technology, if tools like Chatgpt have come into existence, the tools to detect it have as well. There are certain ways to tell if something was written by Chatgpt and in this blog, CudekAI is going to reveal some hidden secrets.
Patterns and Style of AI-generated Content

As artificial intelligence models like Chatgpt have become advanced, it has become a bit hard to detect it sometimes. But there are a few ways which can help with this which solves the question of How to Tell If Something Was Written by Chatgpt? There are three main indicators: repetitive phrases, lack of emotional depth, and overuse of formal language.
AI tools like Chatgpt use repetitive phrases as they are trained to do so. The content in the system is limited to a specific period. Due to probabilistic patterns, it predicts the next word based on a sequence that was used before. There are similar sentence constructions in one paragraph. Whereas, human writers write each sentence according to the interest of the readers.
Next up, there is a lack of emotional depth and personal experience. Chatgpt would usually create content based on patterns rather than emotions and personal stories. This makes the content quite suspicious and indicates that it’s written by Chatgpt. The human writer discussing his personal experiences adds more depth to the content. Consider a paragraph about the vacation to Thailand. The human writer will write this more beautifully by describing each point that may include sceneries, places, and travel experiences but if written with Chatgpt, only major things about Thailand will be discussed rather than the small details.
Another indication that the content is written by ChatGPT is the overuse of formal language. The content written by human writers is not too formal. They write according to the requirements and specifications. For example, there might be no use of slang words and informal or conversational language. The extra use of formal words makes the content dull and unnatural.
Content and Context Clues
Chatgpt usually contains more general answers. It lacks contextual understanding and appears relevant only. For example, talking about complex and difficult topics. Chathpt will only provide general and broad answers rather than diving deep into the details. A human writer, on the other hand, will provide a response that will add short and specific details, stories from personal experiences, and specialized knowledge. AI will provide facts but no detailed analysis.
Another clue is the use of inconsistent tone throughout. What does that mean now? It means that when artificial intelligence tools like Chatgpt generate content, they make unusual shifts in the tone like changing the text from formal to informal immediately without thinking if it makes sense or not. Take an example of a single paragraph that might have started from a formal introduction and changed to a more casual and conversational style in the end. Abruption in the content will make it pretty much less professional and interesting.
Practical Strategies for Checking the AI Content
Cross-reference the content with the source to prove its verification. Chatgpt might contain pieces of information that are wrong and not verified. Therefore it is extremely important to verify the facts from Google and different pages. If the content does not match the sources and has information of its own, there are higher chances that it’s incorrect.
Another practical way is to check the content with existing literature on the same topic. Human writers usually write content that already exists and do not create anything of their own unless it’s about telling a personal experience. Whereas, artificial intelligence tools like Chatgpt create content of their own. So, if the written content does not align with any source out there, then it’s surely written by ChatGPT.
Ensure that the sources used are of high quality. AI might use some non-existent sources and studies that are hard to verify.
Contextual inconsistency
The human-written content usually makes logical sense from the start. AI text might produce content that is logical but lacks overall structure.
Another point is that content written by ChatGPT may not contradict itself especially when it comes to longer pieces of content. It might state that the specific diet is useful and then suddenly shift to telling why it’s harmful. The tool does this without connecting the two points.
These are some of the reasons why AI detection tools like Cudekai have been launched. To properly verify the content and provide solid proof, they are used to check for originality and authenticity.
The Bottom Line
In this blog, the various methods of how AI-written content can be detected have been discussed. These are very common and obvious ways to check for AI content. Another trick is to verify the content with the help of a GPT detector. This article says it all no matter how advanced the technology gets, human-written content will always win the hearts of the readers. From short details to emotional depth to a great structure, it has these all. No artificial intelligence tools like Chatgpt can beat or replace it. Therefore, it is a wise decision to think of these tools as a side help only, rather than a replacement. Now the query is resolved “How to Tell If Something Was Written by Chatgpt”.